Shenandoah’s Division of Physical Therapy prepares students as doctorally educated physical therapists who are reflective, collaborative practitioners that provide evidence‐based, compassionate and ethical care for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of movement dysfunction across the global community.
Application Information
Doctoral Degrees
Dual Degree
Application Submission
Doctor of Physical Therapy – Apply Now Post-Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy – Apply Now
Dual Degree: Physical Therapy/Athletic Training – Apply Now Anatomy & Physiology Certificate – Apply Now
Visit Options
The Office of Graduate Admissions offers campus visits, program-specific webinars and information sessions throughout the year. These events include time to speak with graduate admissions representatives and program faculty or deans.
Financial Aid
We strongly recommend that all eligible students submit a FAFSA to the Shenandoah University Office of Financial Aid.
Questions? Contact the Office of Graduate Admissions
Call: 540-665-4581 | Text: 540-546-6029 | Email: